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A Sequential Phonics Program - Program Overview - PDF Files - Pictures - Audio - Video - Reading Street - Blog
Listen To The Sounds For The Sound Pictures - Part 2
The pictures from part two of the sound story introduce the following sounds. To hear part two of the sound story, click here. Remember that the sound pictures do not represent key words. They represent sounds that occur in the story.
- Consonant digraph sounds - sh/ship, th/thumb, th/this, ch/chicken, and ng/ring
- Long vowel sounds - ē/begin, ō/robot, ā/raven, ū/music (ī/lilac is taught in part one of the sound story)
- Dotted vowel sounds - ö/to, ü/push, ä/all (In this program, the two dots mean "not the usual sound."
- Vowel Diphthongs - oi/oil and oy/boy, ou/ouch and ow/cow
- The consonant sound heard in the words vision, measure, azure, and garage
Click on the bar below each picture to hear the sound. Practice saying the sound for each picture.
The sounds are downloadable. If you click on Download this sound (printed in green), you will download the sound for that picture.