What Happened To The Old Sound City Reading Site?
This is my second web site. The old soundcityreading.com web site is no longer online because its site building software became outdated and was no longer usable. If you enter the old soundcityreading.com site into a search engine, it will automatically pull up the new soundcityreading.net site. You can find the updated, newest versions of the Sound City Reading materials on the new site.
On the new site I have the ability to post both audio and video files to demonstrate instructional techniques, in addition to the PDF files for the books and other materials. I have also posted zip files so that you can download sets of pictures.
Lost Files?
If you are looking for an older Sound City Reading book or any other item from the previous Sound City Reading web site and you can't find it, email me at [email protected] and I'll do my best to find it and email it to you or post it on this site. If you can tell me the title of the book you are looking for or the name of the PDF file that would be helpful.