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Level 4 Picture Files - Phonics Patterns, Including Consonant Blends
How To See The Pictures: The picture files are available from the links shown in green below. Each link will download a zip file to your computer that contains multiple images. You won't be able to see the images on your computer until the file is unzipped. To unzip the file, double click on it. Click Extract all. Select the location where you want to store the file, make sure the Show extracted files when complete box is checked, then click Extract. Now you will be able to open the file and see and use the pictures.
Level 4, Phonics Patterns, includes three separate sets of books which teach the same phonics patterns in the same order. The format for each set of books is different. The same set of illustrated stories is included in all three sets of books.
- Phonetic Words And Stories, Books 1-8 - Large print with color-coded vowels. Words and pictures are on facing pages so that the teacher can do a phonemic awareness activity while introducing new words.
- Basic Phonics Patterns, Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7-8 - Medium all black print, with illustrated words and sentences
- Know The Phonetic Code - Smaller all black print, the word lists do not have pictures
Notes About The Pictures At Level Four: Each file contains a set of pictures for a phonics pattern taught at level four. The order in which the files are listed are in the order in which they appear in the books. These are the simple line drawings that appear in the Sound City Reading phonics books and workbooks. They are black line images on a white background. I have converted all of the pictures to the png format. This will allow the images to be used more easily in digital applications. The pictures are copyrighted by Kathryn J. Davis. Teachers, tutors, and parents have permission to download the pictures and use them to create bulletin boards, flashcards, games, presentations, and other instructional materials for their own students, as needed. The pictures may be shared through links to this site. The pictures may not be used to make materials to sell commercially.
Book 1
Basic vowels, umbrella vowels a/was and o/son, consonant digraphs, consonant blends
1-1 Review of short vowel words
1-2 sh/ship
1-3 o/son
1-3 i/hi
1-4 e/we
1-5 o/go
1-6-7 th/thumb, th/this
1-8 Ending Blends After A
1-9 Ending Blends After I
1-10 or/horse
1-11 Ending Blends After O
1-12 ck/Jack
1-13 Ending Blends After U
1-14 o/to
1-15 _ve/give
1-16 Ending Blends After E
1-17 ch/chicken
1-18 Beginning S Blends for decoding in Book 1
1-18 Beginning S Blends for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-18 Beginning W Blends for decoding in Book 1
1-18 Beginning W Blends for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-19 tch/match
1-20 nch/bench
1-21 Beginning L Blends for decoding in Book 1
1-23 Beginning L Blends for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-22 wh/when
1-23 wh/who
1-24 Beginning R Blends 1 for decoding in Book 1
1-24 Beginning R Blends 1 for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-25 Beginning R Blends 2 for decoding in Book 1
1-25 Beginning R Blends 2 for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-26 ng/ring
1-27 nk/wink
1-28 oi/oil Preview
1-28 oy/boy Preview
1-29 ou/ouch Preview
1-29 ow/cow Preview
1-30 u/bush Preview
1-30 all/ball Preview
1-2 sh/ship
1-3 o/son
1-3 i/hi
1-4 e/we
1-5 o/go
1-6-7 th/thumb, th/this
1-8 Ending Blends After A
1-9 Ending Blends After I
1-10 or/horse
1-11 Ending Blends After O
1-12 ck/Jack
1-13 Ending Blends After U
1-14 o/to
1-15 _ve/give
1-16 Ending Blends After E
1-17 ch/chicken
1-18 Beginning S Blends for decoding in Book 1
1-18 Beginning S Blends for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-18 Beginning W Blends for decoding in Book 1
1-18 Beginning W Blends for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-19 tch/match
1-20 nch/bench
1-21 Beginning L Blends for decoding in Book 1
1-23 Beginning L Blends for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-22 wh/when
1-23 wh/who
1-24 Beginning R Blends 1 for decoding in Book 1
1-24 Beginning R Blends 1 for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-25 Beginning R Blends 2 for decoding in Book 1
1-25 Beginning R Blends 2 for beginning sound study or higher level decoding
1-26 ng/ring
1-27 nk/wink
1-28 oi/oil Preview
1-28 oy/boy Preview
1-29 ou/ouch Preview
1-29 ow/cow Preview
1-30 u/bush Preview
1-30 all/ball Preview
Book 2
Two-syllable words with closed syllables, silent e syllables, vowel patterns with long e, long a, and long i sounds, vowel sounds for y
2-1 mit-ten
2-2 rib-bon
2-3 bas-ket
2-4 cab-in wag-on
2-5 lit-tle
2-6 ee/feet
2-7 e_e/these
2-8 ei/weird
2-9 ea/eat
2-10 ea/head
2-11 ai/rain
2-12 ay/play
2-13 a_e/safe
2-14 i_e/pine
2-15 ie/pie
2-16 igh/night
2-17 ind/find, ild/child
2-18 y/happy
2-19 y/my
2-2 rib-bon
2-3 bas-ket
2-4 cab-in wag-on
2-5 lit-tle
2-6 ee/feet
2-7 e_e/these
2-8 ei/weird
2-9 ea/eat
2-10 ea/head
2-11 ai/rain
2-12 ay/play
2-13 a_e/safe
2-14 i_e/pine
2-15 ie/pie
2-16 igh/night
2-17 ind/find, ild/child
2-18 y/happy
2-19 y/my
Book 3
Vowel patterns for long o and long u sounds, umbrella patterns a_/across and _a/panda, CVC and CVCE discrimination, consonant pattern dge
3-1 oa/boat
3-2 oe/toe
3-3 o_e/home
3-4 o_e/love
3-5 old/gold, olt/bolt, oll/troll, olk/yolk
3-6 a_/across
3-7 _a/panda
3-8 ui/fruit
3-9 ue/glue, ue/cue
3-10 u_e/flute, u_e/cube
3-11 ew/flew, ew/few
3-12 tap/tape
3-13 pin/pine
3-14 hop/hope
3-15 cub/cube
3-16 dge/fudge
3-2 oe/toe
3-3 o_e/home
3-4 o_e/love
3-5 old/gold, olt/bolt, oll/troll, olk/yolk
3-6 a_/across
3-7 _a/panda
3-8 ui/fruit
3-9 ue/glue, ue/cue
3-10 u_e/flute, u_e/cube
3-11 ew/flew, ew/few
3-12 tap/tape
3-13 pin/pine
3-14 hop/hope
3-15 cub/cube
3-16 dge/fudge
Book 4
Odd o patterns, dotted a and dotted u patterns, umbrella pattern ou/country
4-1 oi/oil
4-2 oy/boy
4-3 ou/ouch
4-4 ou/four
4-5 ou/soup
4-6 ow/cow
4-7 ow/snow
4-8 u/bush
4-9 oo/moon
4-10 oo/book
4-11 ould/should
4-12 au/Paul
4-13 aw/saw
4-14 all/ball
4-15 all/valley
4-16 al/salt, alk/talk
4-17 wa/wasp, swa/swan
4-18 ou/country
Book 5
Soft c and g sounds, basic R-controlled vowel patterns, ending patterns _se and _ze
5-1 ce/cent, ci/city, cy/cyle
5-2 _ace/face, _ice/mice, _uce/spruce
5-3 _ce/fence
5-4 ir/bird
5-5 ge/gem, gi/giant, gy/gym
5-6 _ge/hinge
5-7 ar/car
5-8 er/her
5-9 er/zipper
5-10 er feather
5-11 ur/turtle
5-12 _se/geese
5-13 _se/cheese, _ze/freeze
5-2 _ace/face, _ice/mice, _uce/spruce
5-3 _ce/fence
5-4 ir/bird
5-5 ge/gem, gi/giant, gy/gym
5-6 _ge/hinge
5-7 ar/car
5-8 er/her
5-9 er/zipper
5-10 er feather
5-11 ur/turtle
5-12 _se/geese
5-13 _se/cheese, _ze/freeze
Book 6
Words with beginning open syllables, words ending with _VCE syllables, two-syllable words with umbrella o, two-syllable words with unaccented first syllables, dotted e and dotted i patterns, words with unaccented middle syllables, words with adjacent vowels in separate syllables
6-1 ra-ven
6-2 be-gin
6-3 li-lac
6-4-5 ro-bot, o-val
6-6 tu-lip music
6-7 cup-cake, bon-fire
6-8 trap-eze, cos-tume, flag-pole
6-9 shov-el, moth-er
6-10 con-fess, com-pare
6-11 ei/veil
6-12 ey/they
6-13 ea/steak
6-14 eigh/sleigh, e/ballet
6-15 eu/neutron, eu/Europe
6-16 i/pizza
6-17 ie/shield
6-18 Unaccented Middle Syllables
6-19 Adjacent Vowels in Separate Syllables
6-2 be-gin
6-3 li-lac
6-4-5 ro-bot, o-val
6-6 tu-lip music
6-7 cup-cake, bon-fire
6-8 trap-eze, cos-tume, flag-pole
6-9 shov-el, moth-er
6-10 con-fess, com-pare
6-11 ei/veil
6-12 ey/they
6-13 ea/steak
6-14 eigh/sleigh, e/ballet
6-15 eu/neutron, eu/Europe
6-16 i/pizza
6-17 ie/shield
6-18 Unaccented Middle Syllables
6-19 Adjacent Vowels in Separate Syllables
Book 7
Advanced R-controlled vowel patterns
7-1 wor/worm
7-2 er/heron
7-3 or/horse 2
7-4 or/tractor
7-5 or/sorry
7-6 ar/dollar
7-7 ar/carrot
7-8 ear/early
7-9 our/journal
7-2 er/heron
7-3 or/horse 2
7-4 or/tractor
7-5 or/sorry
7-6 ar/dollar
7-7 ar/carrot
7-8 ear/early
7-9 our/journal
Book 8
The remaining vowel patterns, two-syllable words that end with o and u, consonant patterns with silent letters, consonant patterns ph and ugh
8-1 a/father
8-2 hel-lo ze-ro
8-3 men-u tu-tu
8-4 kn/knife
8-5 wr/wren
8-6 gh/ghost, gh/straight
8-7 ought/bought
8-8 ph/phone
8-9 ugh/laugh
8-10 _ye/rye
8-10 y_e/type
8-11 y/gymnastics
8-12 qua/quarrel, squa/squash
8-2 hel-lo ze-ro
8-3 men-u tu-tu
8-4 kn/knife
8-5 wr/wren
8-6 gh/ghost, gh/straight
8-7 ought/bought
8-8 ph/phone
8-9 ugh/laugh
8-10 _ye/rye
8-10 y_e/type
8-11 y/gymnastics
8-12 qua/quarrel, squa/squash