Information About Reading Street
While I was a first grade teacher I used the Scott Foresman Reading Street program. I modified some of my previously developed materials so that they introduced phonics patterns in the same sequence taught in this reading series. I made phonics pattern worksheets, decoding sheets, word wall materials, and tests. I shared these materials with the other first grade teachers in our county, who were all using the Reading Street Program. The materials I put together were designed to use as a supplement to the Reading Street curriculum.
Because our school system purchased the Scott Foresman program for every first grade classroom in the county, our curriculum coordinator gave me permission to type the stories from the first grade basal readers to send home with the students to read to their parents for extra practice. These are NOT my own stories. They should only be used in conjunction with the Scott Foresman Reading Street program.
At this point in time, the Scott Foresman Reading Street program is no longer available. However, there may be some teachers or parents who still have used copies of the first grade level books. If you do, then these supplement materials will be useful for you.
All of these materials can be reached by clicking the Reading Street tab on the menu bar at the top of this page.
What About Grade Levels Other Than First Grade?
I'm sometimes asked If I have created supplementary Reading Street materials for other grades. I have not, and I don't know of any sites with similar materials at other grade levels. However, the Sound City Reading phonics materials, which are separate from the Reading Street materials, cover a span from kindergarten through second or third grade. They would be useful with students of any age who don't have a good understanding of the phonetic nature of our language. Please take a look at them. Beginning readers and older students who need extra practice with word recognition, comprehension, and spelling would benefit from these materials.