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Teaching Materials
General Information
- This section provides an overview for teachers, tutors, and parents about the teaching levels and materials used in the Sound City Reading program and how to use them. Each student book has teaching instructions at the end of the book. In most cases, instructions are also printed briefly on each student page.
- Click on any of the topics printed in green below to go to that page.
- If you wish to download the PDF files for any of these materials, click on PDF Files on the main menu, and click the level you want on the sub-menu. Then click on any of the green bars that show the names of the files. You may download and use any of the PDF files without charge.
Teaching Levels - There are five teaching levels in this program. This page explains briefly what is taught at each level. Each level includes student books, learning activities, and games. At levels one and two, the student books are workbooks. At levels three and four, students have reading books with separate workbooks. At level five, students have a book to study advanced phonics patterns and syllables, but no workbook. They will read a series of trade books as they work through those patterns. The words in the trade books will contain only the patterns that students have studied.
Step Chart - This chart shows the five levels in this program with a list of the main books used at each level
Flow Chart - This chart shows the five levels in this program and how they are arranged sequentially for teaching purposes
Books Used At Each Level - This page shows a short summary about each of the Sound City Reading books used in levels one through five.
Color-Coded Vowels - Some of the Sound City Reading books have vowels printed in specific colors. Each color is associated with a particular vowel sound. This section explains the color-coding system.
Skill Sequence - See the sequence charts for each teaching level, showing the skills, letters, and letter patterns taught.
Materials To Use At All Levels
A Sound Story About Audrey And Brad - Overview - This book introduces the letter and phonogram sounds in this program using a story with pictures that represent the speech sounds in English.
Phonemic Awareness Picture Pages - Overview - This book teaches/reviews phonemic awareness skills for students who have already started reading. The same skill pages are already included in the level one and two student books.
Materials To Use At A Specific Level