Please scroll down to see PDF files for all of the newer wall charts and wall cards for the various teaching levels.
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Click on any of the blue bars to open a compressed version of the file. The compressed version has exactly the same content but takes up less storage space.
Click on any of the blue bars to open a compressed version of the file. The compressed version has exactly the same content but takes up less storage space.
Using Picture Files To Make Your Own Wall Cards And Sound Charts
Note: If you want to make your own wall charts, wall cards, flash cards, and learning games, on the main menu going across the top of the page, click on PICTURES. You'll find the pictures from the sound story, key word pictures from the sound charts, and pictures to illustrate beginning sounds, ending sounds, consonant blends, and many phonetic words. Both color pictures and non-color pictures are available.
PDF Files For The Newer Wall Charts And Wall Cards
In this program, there are several kinds of wall charts that show the alphabet letters and phonics patterns, along with sound pictures or key word pictures. The sound pictures are taken from A Sound Story About Audrey And Brad. The pictures represent the various speech sounds in the English language. For example, a growling dog shows the /r/ sound, and a ticking clock shows the /t/ sound. There are enough pictures to show the sound or sounds for any letter or letter pattern in the English language.
The newest versions of the sound charts are shown on this page. All of these charts match the charts shown in the student books. (To see the older wall charts for classroom use, which have a different design, click here.)
- At levels one and two, students only work with the alphabet chart.
- At level three, they continue to use the alphabet chart and will also be introduced to a beginner's vowel chart.
- At level four, many additional charts are added to show all of the most common phonics patterns.
- At level five, charts are added that show all of the advanced ending syllable patterns.
The charts are large, so that you can use them with the whole class. Post the charts that match your students' current reading level on bulletin boards or a large area of the classroom wall.
The charts are printed on white 11" by 17" ledger sized paper. Some assembly is needed, involving trimming the bottom of some pages or cutting and taping some of the pages together when a chart is too large to fit on a single page. Assembly instructions are included.
The charts are used to introduce new phonics patterns and review previous patterns. Using a long pointer, point to each letter or pattern as a warm-up at the beginning of your instructional period. The students should say the sound in unison as you point to each pattern. If students forget a sound, point to the related sound picture to help them remember it. Model the sounds and have students repeat as needed, until they can say the sounds with confidence, without help.
These materials are copyrighted, but I give permission for schools, teachers, tutors, and parents to download, save, and print any file to use with their own students or children. All other uses are prohibited.
How To Download The PDF Files
Click on any of the green bars to download the regular versions for those files.
Click on any of the blue bars to download a compressed version of the same file, with a smaller file size.
Click on any of the green bars to download the regular versions for those files.
Click on any of the blue bars to download a compressed version of the same file, with a smaller file size.
Large Wall Charts For Levels 1, 2, And 3
These charts are used with:
Level 1 - Learning The Alphabet, Books 1 And 2
Level 2 - Exploring Sounds In Words, Books 1 And 2
Level 3 - Rhyming Short Vowel Words And Sentences or
Mixed Short Vowel Words And Sentences or
Two-Page Short Vowel Words And Sentences or
Basic Short Vowels
Level 2 - Exploring Sounds In Words, Books 1 And 2
Level 3 - Rhyming Short Vowel Words And Sentences or
Mixed Short Vowel Words And Sentences or
Two-Page Short Vowel Words And Sentences or
Basic Short Vowels
Click on the green bar to download the regular file. Click on the blue bar to download the same file that has been compressed so that it will have a smaller file size. The wall charts for levels one, two, and three should be printed on white 11" by 17" ledger sized paper. Some assembly is needed, involving cutting and taping some of the pages to other pages for charts that are too large to fit on a single page. Assembly instructions are included. The "Beyond The Alphabet" chart is not used at levels one and two, and it is optional at level three.
Alphabet Wall Cards For Levels 1, 2, And 3
"Beyond The Alphabet" Wall Cards For Level 3 (Optional) And Level 4
Large Wall Charts For Level 4 - Approximately 58 Pages Plus Instructions
Use the phonics patterns charts with the following books.
- Phonetic Words And Stories, Books 1-8
- Basic Phonics Patterns, Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7-8
- Know The Phonetic Code
- Know The Phonetic Code, No Stories
- Advanced Phonics Patterns From Children's Books (For Review)
At level four, there are two kinds of wall charts. One kind of chart uses sound pictures; the other kind uses key word pictures. The sounds pictures and key word pictures work in different ways. Charts with sound pictures are taught first, because these are the easiest for students to learn. Charts with key word pictures are taught after students have already mastered the charts with sound pictures.
- The key word pictures are shown with a word that contains a particular letter or letter pattern: a/ax, sh/ship, ee/feet, tch/match. The picture illustrates the word. The pattern may be at the beginning, middle, or end of the word.
- The sound pictures are taken from A Sound Story About Audrey And Brad. The pictures represent the various speech sounds in the English language. For example, a growling dog shows the /r/ sound. A boy who is running and breathing heavily shows the /h/ sound. There are enough pictures to show the sound or sounds for any letter or letter pattern in the English language. (When you see a letter or letter pattern between two slash marks, say the sound instead of the letter name.)
There are many wall charts for Level Four, Phonics Patterns. The phonics patterns are grouped by type, including: single vowel sounds, consonant digraphs, "odd o" patterns, r-controlled vowels, long vowel patterns, dotted vowel patterns (not the usual sound), and consonant blends. These charts are printed on 11 by 17 inch ledger paper. Instructions for chart assembly are included.
As students work through level four, for some patterns they will learn only one sound initially and then will learn one or more less common sounds for the same pattern in a later book. In this case, several versions of those charts are included. This is done so that students are not confused by seeing sounds they have not yet learned.
Sample pages are shown below. Click on any chart except the truck charts to enlarge it.
Smaller Wall Charts For Levels 1, 2, 3, And 4 Are Included In The Sound Story Book
Smaller wall charts, suitable for working with small groups, are included in A Sound Story About Audrey And Brad. They are printed on one side only so that they can be removed from the book and posted on a display board, bulletin board, or smaller wall area. The phonics patterns, words, and pictures on these charts are large enough to be seen if students are sitting close to the charts. Students will not be able to read these charts from the back of the room. See the sample pages shown below.
The charts in the book are printed on 8 1/2 by 11 inch white paper. They have roofs so that they look like houses. This will create a display that looks like a "sound city."
Click on the green bar below to download the PDF file for A Sound Story About Audrey And Brad.
Here are some sample pictures of the charts in A Sound Story About Audrey And Brad. The roofs for the alphabet chart will be found on a separate page. Click on any chart to enlarge it.
Large Wall Charts For Level 5
At level five, continue to use the level four charts for daily review, and add the ending syllable wall charts. The ending syllable charts use key words along with the related pictures. They do not have sound pictures. Click on any chart shown below to enlarge it.
Click on the green bar above to download the PDF file for the advanced ending syllable wall charts. Sample pages from the charts are shown below. The pages are printed on 11 1/2 by 17 inch white paper in landscape mode. There are two version of the charts in this file. The first version shows the ending syllables in the order in which they are introduced. The second version shows the ending syllables grouped by types of syllables.
Sample pages showing advanced ending syllables sorted by type.
Sample pages showing advanced ending syllables arranged sequentially.