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A Sequential Phonics Program - Program Overview - PDF Files - Pictures - Audio - Video - Reading Street - Blog
Sound Story Part 2 - The "Beyond The Alphabet" Sounds
Part two of the sound story introduces the remaining speech sounds in the English language. It includes the following sounds.
- Consonant digraphs: sh/ship, th/thumb, th/this, ch/chicken, ng/ring (Two consonants work together to show a completely new sound.)
- The consonant sound heard in the words vision, measure, azure, and garage. The pronunciation guide in the dictionary uses zh to show this sound.
- Long vowel sounds: ā/raven, ē/begin, ō/robot, ū/music (The long ī sound, ī/lilac is taught in part one.)
- Other vowel sounds: ö/to, ü/push, ä/all, oi/oil and oy/boy, ou/ouch and ow/cow (In this program, the two dots indicate "not the usual sound." The dotted symbols in this program do not match the dictionary symbols for the same sounds.)
The order in which these patterns are introduced in the sound story is the same order in which they are introduced in this program.
Click on any of the black sound bars to hear part two of the sound story read aloud.