Sound city Reading Blog |
I've been working on creating color covers for all of the Sound City Reading books, even the books that have all black print on the inside pages. This makes them look a lot more appealing, but it has been a time consuming process to redesign so many covers. To make things more difficult, I design them in Microsoft Publisher but must save the new file as a pdf file to share with others and the colors don't turn out exactly the same going from a Publisher to a PDF file. It takes a lot of time to tweak the colors going back and forth between the two types of files.
I'm anxious to get the covers finished because I want to use images of the covers, as well as images of a few of the inside pages, to create an overview of all the books in the Sound City Reading program, with a brief written explanation for each book. I'm adding this overview to a Sequence Charts book that I've created for my own use for many years. The book has the sequence charts for all the books in this program. It includes which patterns are taught and shows the order in which they are introduced, along with a list of phonetic words taught for that pattern and any related sight words. I realized not long ago that I need to add the Sequence Charts book to this site so that anyone who is using various parts of the program can benefit from it. I'm in the process of expanding the book to include a description with images for each book at each level. It always takes me much longer than I had hoped to complete projects like this. I'm anxious to finish soon and get the book posted for those of you who need it. |