Sound city Reading Blog |
I haven't had a blog before, so I'm new to this. It seems like this would provide a good way to communicate with visitors to the Sound City Reading web site. If you have comments or questions, you'll still be able to e-mail me at [email protected], but you can also post them here. I'll try to answer any questions you may have. As you can see, this site is still under construction. I'm working hard trying to get the pdf files for all of the newest materials loaded onto the web site. For each item that I upload, I have to check it to try to eliminate any errors, create a new table of contents, and think carefully about adding instructions. The new materials are similar to the books, workbooks, and games that I've loaded onto my old website at They use many of the same stories and pictures. What I've done is rearrange, in some cases, the order of introduction for the phonetic patterns, which also involves changing the order of some of the stories. I'm really happy with the way the new books are turning out. I've gone to a rhyming format for two of the new short vowel books. Two other short vowel books have both rhyming and body-coda word lists (words that begin with the same letters). I'll explain more about the short vowel books in another post. I'm hoping to add more videos after I've uploaded all of the new books and workbooks. It will take me some time to get to that point. I hope you find something on this site that you can use. 9/22/2016 11:51:13 pm
Here I am checking whether or not the comments function is working. I just clicked on the green text below the blog entry that said "0 Comments" and an entry form for adding a comment came up. Comments are closed.